Category: Tech

  • Elite’s Cobra Mk III

    Elite’s Cobra Mk III

    The well documented Kickstarter success of Elite: Dangerous is great news. Even greater this evening was a cracking little video (narrated by a very excited sounding David Braben!) showing the original Cobra Mk III ship which everybody had in the original Elite, but now updated. There will be many ships players can have in Elite:…

  • Ubuntu Wireless Issues

    Ubuntu Wireless Issues

    This afternoon I was wanting to reinstall Ubuntu 12.10 onto my little old netbook. I’ve done this loads of times without issue, I always connect to a wired network to ensure all the updates and odd drivers (like the wireless) get installed OK. However on removing the network cable after install wireless wasn’t working. I…

  • Elite needs more pledges!!

    Elite needs more pledges!!

    The amazing Elite: Dangerous game only has a few more days left on Kickstarter to make sure development continues to complete the game. Please pledge on Kickstarter for the game to be made as soon as possible!! Go here to pledge:   Posted with Blogsy

  • Elite – Procedural Generation

    As an update to the Kickstarter project to get Elite: Dangerous into production, David Braben has released a very interesting video into how procedural generation enabled the original Elite to be so comprehensive while fitting in such small memory, and also how he intends to use it to make Elite: Dangerous stand out from the…

  • Elite: Dangerous

    This is superb news. The wonderful old BBC Micro game ‘Elite’ is hopefully making a comeback. Elite was the first game which allowed the player to make their own decisions what to do, it wasn’t all laid out. There were missions, like modern games, but they could be ignored and a player could make their…

  • Skyview app

    I don’t normally review apps but this one is ace!! Skyview is an app to recognise stars. The main advantage of this app compared with usual ones is that it superimposes what it knows is on the sky on top of your camera view. This helps you identify stars and planets really easily. Not only…

  • Classic 80s gaming

      I came across this this evening which I haven’t heard in ages. Fond memories of the arcades in Cleethorpes at BB summer camp . . . I wonder if a video game has ever had a more iconic and memorable tune than this!! Also didn’t realise it went on so long – perhaps I…

  • MyPhone


    A while ago I blogged about my annoyances with the Windows Phone 7 HTC Mozart I’ve been using for nearly two years. They key issue was the update schedule, following the Android model of letting carriers control the updates. When Windows Phone 7.5 was released, it was a terrific update, and Orange sent it our…

  • RISC OS on the Raspberry Pi

    Since getting my second RasPi I’ve been eager to give the old Acorn operating system RISC OS a bash on it. Acorn’s processors (ARM) are of course now the most used chips in the world, all Apple iPads and iPhones as well as most other smart phones use ARM chips as they are low power…

  • Pibow

    Just ordered a Pibow ( – this is a wonderfully colourful case for the Raspberry Pi. Cases for the un-cased Raspberry Pi are not uncommon, there are loads on ebay. However this looks really good, and also gets a good write-up on the Raspberry Pi web site ( This case will go around the Pi…