
Blue tit
This is a live feed from the nest box in our garden. As you can see (hopefully if it’s online, we have visitors this year for the first time. Updates will be posted as they happen!
It seems our resident is a blue tit, just seen one at the moment. From research it’s likely that our bird is a female. She more commonly creates the nest, then looks after the eggs, and the male appears to help feed them once hatched. We shall see what happens!
Please note that I am using the free Ustream service and so you will have to put up with a few annoying adverts. The full version is quite a lot of money!

[button link=”http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/b/bluetit/index.aspx”]RSPB Blue Tit Page[/button][button link=”http://www.rspb.org.uk/supporting/join/”]Join the RSPB[/button]

Live streaming by Ustream