On the Hoof

For Anne's birthday today, we went to Fountain's Abbey near Ripon in North Yorkshire. The weather was slightly different to the crisp, icy and foggy weather which we had last time we visited; today was as wet as wet can be!

However we had decided we were going to visit and so got fully wrapped in waterproofs and went along for the great experience of seeing the deer being fed. The deer are all wild, and only follow the tractor to the feeding site. In particular there were red deer, the males with the magnificent antlers and fallow deer. The deer warden was on hand to talk about the deer and answer questions.

Once we'd got rather cold, we went down to the cafe by the lake for a hot coffee and scone, before moving along towards the Abbey. The scenery along the way is being renovated to make it look like what it did when first created, which will take 30 years. The vista running down to the Abbey is wonderful in any weather, and today it was particularly dramatic with the river torrenting down.

After a look in the under croft, we went for a bite to eat in the excellent restaurant and came home to the warmth and dry!



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