Autumn at Fairburn Ings

Gorgeous day for a wander around Fairburn Ings RSPB reserve. Saw lots of different Waterfowl (Teal, Tufted ducks, Mute Swans – loads, Mallards, Goldeneye, and more) and very out of place 6 black swans!!?? No idea where they’ve come from. We had plenty of long tailed tits following us in the trees which was nice.


One response to “Autumn at Fairburn Ings”

  1. Gerald (Ackworth born) avatar
    Gerald (Ackworth born)

    We used to spend many a happy hour at Fairburn Ings many years ago – google led me to your blog when I was looking for info on Jersey and I've been reading your accounts of there – I'm still sorting out the photos I took when we went there a months ago.

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