Category: Misc

  • New week motivation

    Love this! Nice bit of motivation for any turmoil this week!! – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

  • RSPB Leighton Moss

    RSPB Leighton Moss

    We last visited Leighton Moss ( in 2008 and had a great day so we decided to spend another day as we were pretty close to it staying in Kirkby Lonsdale. The weather was meant to be rotten and the below short video was taken from a hide with grey clouds and the wind blowing…

  • Garden Birds

    Garden Birds



    A few shots I took of some of the birds we get in the garden.  

  • A new theme



    Elegant themes ( is where I get my themes from and the previous one I used for PackardNet called Memoir was from them. They are recently adapting new themes so they show properly on all devices not just desktop PCs so on smartphones or tablets the theme is adjusted. One of these new themes is…

  • Sunrise



    Gorgeous sunrise over Mirfield the other day. Today’s equally stunning sunset reminded me I’d taken this picture!

  • Engineering Excellence



    We had a play at trying to get the steam engine going on Christmas Day afternoon. This had been cleaned, oiled and generally maintained by Ian for a while and we decided to have the inaugural startup in the garden – probably safer!! As you can see from the video it worked, and worked well!!…

  • 3.14 – World pi Day!!!



    A celebration of all things mathematically wonderfully pi!! 14th March in American date format – 3.14 Got to have the clock on this site with the numbers as angles measured in radians in terms of pi!!

  • Winter returns



    Had to drop something down at church this morning, so had a walk down on the road and the scenic route back. Very wet!! Pity visibility wasn’t better. Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

  • New domain for my blog



    Just changed my domain settings so this blog is available using, and in fact only works properly using it! So, please change your favourites from to It won’t change again now . . . hopefully! Cheers!!

  • A bit of a geeky post!!



    Wanted to have a play on the video of my new phone, the HTC Mozart using the Windows Phone 7 operating system. The camera is 8 megapixels and video is recorded at 720p High Definition. So while at the racing today, I took a couple of short videos. The light was particularly poor due to…