My Favourite Open Source Software

My Favourite Open Source Software

I’ve used a fair bit of open source software in my time but have increasingly found myself using more and more. It seems the quality of a lot of the software is maturing and more notice is being taken of user experience. Open source software is defined as:...
get_iplayer on Ubuntu

get_iplayer on Ubuntu

get_iplayer is a terrific little programme to download BBC TV and radio programmes off the iPlayer service. On Ubuntu, get_iplayer is packaged so go to the Software Centre and install. Note the a dash is used in the package not an underscore! Running get_iplayer is...
Ubuntu 12.10 v Windows 8

Ubuntu 12.10 v Windows 8

A while ago I decided to give the Linux distribution Ubuntu another go. I’d given Windows 8 a short go (perhaps not long enough due to the new interface) and I felt anything I wanted to do know could be done using a free operating system, after all with...
Pixel Pumper – OSX WordPress editor

Pixel Pumper – OSX WordPress editor

Rather a bizarre name for an app, but this certainly caught my interest. All the web sites I’m involved with use WordPress as their base. On the Mac I normally use MarsEdit which has been around for years. As I have previously blogged, finding a decent blog...
Elite’s Cobra Mk III

Elite’s Cobra Mk III

The well documented Kickstarter success of Elite: Dangerous is great news. Even greater this evening was a cracking little video (narrated by a very excited sounding David Braben!) showing the original Cobra Mk III ship which everybody had in the original Elite, but...
Ubuntu Wireless Issues

Ubuntu Wireless Issues

This afternoon I was wanting to reinstall Ubuntu 12.10 onto my little old netbook. I’ve done this loads of times without issue, I always connect to a wired network to ensure all the updates and odd drivers (like the wireless) get installed OK. However on...