Category: Tech

  • Linux on a Linx 10

    Linux on a Linx 10

    The Linx 10 is a Windows tablet, originally equiped with Windows 8 and then upgraded free to Windows 10. The system is powered by a Bay Trail Atom processor with 32GB disc. This has worked pretty well on Windows, but I was having issues and don’t really like Windows anyway. The first was linked to…

  • Back to Vinyl

    Back to Vinyl

    Back in day I used to buy LPs then cassettes when needing mix tapes and portable Walkman music and then onto of course CDs before digital. However with the resurgence in vinyl I decided it was time to connect up the record player again. Not having a hifi set up, I wondered about streaming through…

  • A Matter of Notes

    A Matter of Notes

    Notetaking seems a rather banal topic for a post but for one who uses computers, tablets and smartphones a lot, notetaking is one of the most powerful productive tools available. There are of course many uses for notes. I use them mainly to keep reminders and a way remembering of all sorts of things and…

  • Booklet Imposer

    Booklet Imposer

    This sounds rather dramatic but what a great little piece of software. Recently I’ve been doing the service sheet for the licensing service of our new Vicar. Not wanting to use a full publishing package as I didn’t need any of the full blown layout features, I used Word (as that is what the Diocese…

  • What to do in the Cloud!!

    What to do in the Cloud!!

    Cloud storage is pretty much a necessity now-a-days. Back in the day (that makes me sound really old!), a single desktop PC held all your files, email, photos, videos etc. and should you need them away from your desk the trusty old USB pen was the solution. Things have moved on rather and with multiple…

  • Libreoffice v Office 2013

    Libreoffice v Office 2013

    Libreoffice is a fork of the more well-known OpenOffice. OpenOffice was taken over by Oracle, leading to the problem that it might not be truly open source. It was then taken over by the Apache project, but in that time most Linux distributions had moved to the Document Foundation's Libreoffice, and it is widely considered…

  • My Favourite Open Source Software

    My Favourite Open Source Software

    I’ve used a fair bit of open source software in my time but have increasingly found myself using more and more. It seems the quality of a lot of the software is maturing and more notice is being taken of user experience. Open source software is defined as: Open-source software (OSS) is computer software with…

  • get_iplayer on Ubuntu

    get_iplayer on Ubuntu

    get_iplayer is a terrific little programme to download BBC TV and radio programmes off the iPlayer service. On Ubuntu, get_iplayer is packaged so go to the Software Centre and install. Note the a dash is used in the package not an underscore! Running get_iplayer is hardly the easiest, so this is how to do it.…

  • Ubuntu 12.10 v Windows 8

    Ubuntu 12.10 v Windows 8

    A while ago I decided to give the Linux distribution Ubuntu another go. I’d given Windows 8 a short go (perhaps not long enough due to the new interface) and I felt anything I wanted to do know could be done using a free operating system, after all with Crossover Linux, a lot of Office…

  • Pixel Pumper – OSX WordPress editor

    Pixel Pumper – OSX WordPress editor

    Rather a bizarre name for an app, but this certainly caught my interest. All the web sites I’m involved with use WordPress as their base. On the Mac I normally use MarsEdit which has been around for years. As I have previously blogged, finding a decent blog editor for the Mac was a nightmare after using…