Category: Tingleywatch

  • Tingleywatch chick update

    Even though our camera box is not in use anymore, that’s not to say there isn’t any new life in the garden! The front bird box on the Copper Beech (pictured) is the home of a Great Tit family, and though obviously we’ve not seen them, the chicks are very vocal! The blue tit who…

  • Blue tit moves, chaffinches and crèches

    It seems confirmed that the blue tit that was once resident in our camera nestbox has moved. She has been spotted twice over the weekend going into the middle of the three sparrowboxes (pictured) and I assume has made her nest in there, we’ll have to watch out for little chicks. Anne has a theory…

  • Is she there or not?

    Since Saturday evening, we’ve not seen our blue tit in the box, and the contents look unchanged. We assumed that the nest was now finished and we were awaiting the eggs to appear. Oddly enough though this evening when I came home from work I spent a little time overlooking the garden to see if…

  • Still Building!

    Our blue tit (still no name) has been busy still building her nest. She’s moved on from moss and is now bringing in some more substantial twigs and straw in. This photograph was taken at about 16:40 this afternoon.

  • Blue Tit making it’s nest

    This was recorded on the afternoon of 12th April. The Blue Tit was in and all all afternoon with mainly moss to make the nest nice and cosy. The blue tit comes in at around 35 seconds on the video so hold in there!!  

  • We have residents!!!

    Very excited today when I checked the webcam in our nest box. At last, after observing a few birds sticking their heads in to case the joint, it looks like some little birdy has taken up residence!! Keep checking by selecting Tingleywatch from the menu on the left. I’ll post screenshots when I can of…

  • Tingleywatch–update

    We’ve had the birdbox with camera in it up for a couple of months now, and as expected nothing in it quite yet. This morning we looked out of the window and saw a blue tit peeking his/her head into it. I wonder if we may have a resident soon!!?? Exciting!

  • Tingleywatch!!

    I put up the wireless camera box this afternoon in time for the birdies to find it while house-hunting for the spring. The camera is connected wirelessly (the wire on the piccie is to the plug in the garage to power the camera) and I’ve set up a stream of the inside of the box…