Category: Vacations

  • Norfolk Part 1

    Instead of a daily entry, a digest of the last few days for journal purposes. Arrived on Friday, gorgeous weather. Who needs sunny abroad with the stress of travel, airports and everything else when this country is so stunning, and half the house can be packed in the back of an estate! After getting to…

  • Jofli has a cup of Earl Grey

    Jofli has a cup of Earl Grey

    Today we went to Howick Hall Garden. The hall was the tea famous Earl Grey’s and it is still in his family. The gardens are gorgeous and there are loads of walks to do in the grounds. When we got back to Bamburgh, we had a final day of holiday selfie at a view point…

  • Jofli goes to Cragside

    Jofli goes to Cragside

    Cragside is a massive National Trust estate developed by Lord Armstrong who was the first person to power his house with the electricity generated by water. Not only is this interesting but the landscaping, house and grounds are superb. Fairly new is a playground which Thomas enjoyed a lot. Mummy and Daddy remembered the picnic…

  • Jofli at Warkworth Castle

    We’d never visited the English Heritage Warkworth Castle before and there was a War of the Roses event on so it seemed a good opportunity to visit. What a great castle! Much of the keep is intact and Thomas could spend ages exploring all the little rooms and locks (check the review we did at…

  • Jofli visits the Holy Island of Lindisfarne

    Jofli visits the Holy Island of Lindisfarne

    A glorious day in Northumberland. Sunny spells on the weather turned into glorious sunshine all day. A perfect day to cross the causeway onto Holy Island. Jofli enjoyed visiting the priory – where Thomas was explaining all the history to everyone, and then up to the castle, visited the garden designed by Gertrude Jekyll and…

  • Jofli sees horses and has a coastal journey

    Jofli sees horses and has a coastal journey

    Yesterday we went to see lots of heavy horses at a centre. The highlight was a little foal called Thomas!! Unfortunately Thomas’ daddy is struggling to get the pictures from this visit so he is pictured with Thomas (the little boy, not the horse) in the village of Ford close by. Today we parked on…

  • Jofli goes to the castle and beach

    Jofli goes to the castle and beach

    Yesterday was a bit rainy again so Jofli stayed in. However, Thomas enjoyed a trip to Alnwick Castle and got very close to a kestrel as his daddy was walking him up on the ramparts! Today we went to Bamburgh Castle, and Jofli had to let Thomas out of the stocks. We then went to…

  • Jofli goes by bus

    Jofli goes by bus

    It was very wet yesterday so Thomas decided to leave Jofli at home as he didn’t want him to get his fur wet. However today was much better. We went on the bus to Seahouses, booked our trip to the Farne Islands, and went to a playgym. After lunch and nap time, we went to…

  • Jofli travels to Northumberland

    Jofli travels to Northumberland

    Today Jofli (with his friend Thomas) went to Etal. He visited the castle first of all, then travelled on the little steam train to Heatherslaw. The return trip was nearly an hour so it was well worth it! ‘We did really well for the weather as it only started to rain this evening once my…

  • Anniversary break

    Anniversary break

    A lovely trip up to the superb Plato’s in Kirkby Lonsdale this week for our anniversary. Last August when we went it chucked it down all the time, this week was gorgeous. After travelling up on Monday, we went to Ambleside to the north of Windermere on Tuesday. As you can see from the photos,…