Easter Break 1

After the celebrations over the Easter weekend I have Thomas for a few days!!

This morning we played in the garden – gorgeous weather! After lunch we went for a little walk. Thomas certainly helped his Daddy get rid of the choccie as he’s a lot heavier than he was the last time I used the sling. However he really enjoyed it and could really have a good nosey around.

The walk wasn’t long, just across the fields opposite the house, down across the old railway line at Woodkirk, past St Mary’s and up into the estate before wandering back along the road home.

In related news, it seems like the wonderful EveryTrail is no longer operating properly – something I found out when trying to access the app on my iPhone on the walk. So, after a little browsing I’ve found triptrack.org which has an EveryTrail importer which will work eventually given the rubbish connection now to Everytrail. Will give that a go on a future wander and report back! They say their mobile app should be ready by the end of Spring, so hopefully won’t be too long.



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