Old Moor

After having quite a lot of fresh air at Wetherby Races over the past couple of days, we decided to have some more today and go to RSPB Old Moor. ‘Twas rather windy but it was sunny and not too cold. As usual it was extremely relaxing, and we managed to see lots of different birds: shoveler, tufty duck, mallards, shelduck, greylag geese, Canada geese, cormorants, wigeon, teal, swans, and there must have been others I’ve forgotten.

In one of the pictures below, I attempted to put the lens of the camera on my phone to the end of the binoculars, think it worked quite well to take a group of teal who were singing to each other. The picture of Anne is showing off her new waterproof bought for Christmas by her mum!


One response to “Old Moor”

  1. Good photos and a bright jacket to boot!

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