The Hepworth Wakefield

Due to the weather our ‘holiday at home’ took us to The Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield, and is only 15 mins from our house. This very new gallery is named after the Wakefield sculpture Barbara Hepworth. It’s a very modern design, and as you can imagine cause some negative comment but is a really iconic building on the waterfront.

The ground floor of the gallery has a cafe and shop (actually selling some really nice stuff not the usual tat) and the main galleries on on the first floor. Each room is really tall, and can take in some huge pieces of work. Some of the bronze casts which Hepworth did must be 4-5 metres tall. The sizes of the room also are necessary to set off pieces of other artist’s work well. In some of the galleries photography is permitted, which makes a change for places like this.

A really enjoyable trip. Web site of The Hepworth here:


Hepworth across the water

Bridge going across the river to the main entrance

Inside the gallery

Inside the gallery

Inside the gallery

Chantry Chapel, just across the river from The Hepworth


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