Blogging/posting to WordPress on a Mac?



Got a bit of problem if I decide next year to move to a Mac from my PC, which is slowly dying. There are really good alternatives to most of the software I use apart from Windows Live Writer which is used for blogging. This is an absolutely terrific piece of software, and much underrated in the press. Key features which I like are:  

  • Downloads theme so what you see is what it will look like
  • Integration and presentation of online galleries and video – I use Skydrive and albums are presented in a very professional way, videos on YouTube and easily embedded from the ribbon. Single images aren’t just embedded, they’re attractively given a border and slight shadow which makes a much more professional result.
  • Easy switching between blogs
  • It looks professional and modern to use, and it’s fast!!

I’ve trialled a number on the Mac but none come even close, even Blogsy I use on the iPad is way better than anything on the Mac. I can’t believe on such a popular system there isn’t anything better. Help!!!


2 responses to “Blogging/posting to WordPress on a Mac?”

  1. Mmm, after doing a bit of browsing it seems that nobody can find anything which is close to Windows Live Writer; the option seems to be to install Windows on a virtual machine within MacOS and run the software from within that.

    Not an ideal solution, but it gets the job done, and I suppose on a new Mac next year it’ll run very fast!!

    1. Found the solution. MarsEdit for the Mac. Don’t get the theme downloaded, but otherwise it is an excellent piece of software. Also, not free, but hey ho!!

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