Buckfast Abbey

Last day in Devon and the weather wasn’t too cracking! We decided to have a drive up to Buckfast Abbey (http://www.buckfast.org.uk) and then call to a couple of smaller castles on the way back down to Greenway. However, when we got to Buckfast we were very impressed. It’s a lovely layout they have for visitors which we didn’t expect. A short film show talked about the start of the Abbey, and the 6 monks who built it themselves from scratch with a starting fund of just £5. One of the monks was a mason, the others learnt the trade and even made their own tools and equipment. An amazing feat.

We then had a look around the church and gardens. There was a lavender garden, sensory and herb garden. We then visited an art exhibition, bookshop and gift shop and had a nice coffee.

We travelled back instead of calling at the castles ready to get packed so we can have a relaxing evening.

Buckfast Abbey, Devon

Buckfast Abbey, Devon


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