Category: Packard Rail

  • The Princess Royal Reborn

    After a month away for repairs, the maroon Princess Royal is now mended and flying about the track. The chap who mended it managed to make up the parts from two other engines, and it’s now as smooth as if it was new. This video shows the temporary track layout in the loft, with the…

  • Princess Royal alight!!

    Still having a bit of difficulty getting the Princess Royal going. I’ve managed to get electricity going to the drive OK but it’s not quite powering properly. The first video is the train (with outer casing off) lit up in the drive bit then suddenly flying into action. The second video is the train moving…

  • Packard Rail!!

    Earlier in the year I was given by my uncle his train set which he had when he was a boy, and Ian and me played with when we were boys. Unfortunately the track and layout was not fit but the locomotives and rolling stock was all fine. On receiving the equipment, I immediately made…