Hidcote Manor Gardens & Bourton Model Village

A must see in this area is apparently the Hidcote Manor Gardens (http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-vh/w-visits/w-findaplace/w-hidcote.htm). This National Trust property came into their care in 1946 so has been with them a long time. They reckon it’s where the Trust learnt how to garden!

It was created by American Lawrence Johnson who ended up becoming a naturalised Brit and served in our armed forces. He was a self-taught gardener and created these most amazing gardens based on a series of outdoor ‘rooms’. The view from it, as can be seen from the panoramic picture below, is gorgeous across rolling hills.

As well as many ‘flower’ parts of the garden there was a very extensive kitchen garden full of fantastic veg and fruit. They also have two pigs who eat up old veg and produce fertiliser! Very green!

The property also boasts the largest plant shop in the Trust and there were lots of the plants in the garden for sale.

After lunch in Stow, we headed back to Bourton as we wanted to visit the model village. This had been created in the thirties out of original Cotswold stone, the same that all the buildings in the village are made out of. It has aged over the past 80 years so looks probably even more authentic, and the only changes are the shop names which have been updated to reflect updates in the ownership during the years.

Hidcote Manor Gardens, CotswoldsHidcote Manor Gardens, CotswoldsHidcote Manor Gardens, Cotswolds

Bourton Model Village


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