Linux for my netbook

Linux for my netbook

Warning, serious geekyness of a post! Our little Acer netbook has seen little use over the last few months. It was running Win 7, rather slowly so I thought I’d put on the consumer preview of Win 8. Even though I think Microsoft’s model of hitting every...
What Microsoft need to do to keep me with Windows Phone . . .

What Microsoft need to do to keep me with Windows Phone . . .

I moved to a Windows Phone from an iPhone 3GS in the autumn of 2010 when Microsoft decided to totally rewrite their mobile software which was getting unbelievably out of date. The Metro interface is a total change from the icon based software of Apple and Google (or...

Raspberry Pi in action . . .

Further to my post of last night, read this: which contains this video, impressive!!
$25 (£16) computer!!

$25 (£16) computer!!

I heard about this a while back but forgot all about it until a BBC article today saying they were nearly finished. The Raspberry Pi Foundation ( is a British charity aiming to produce very basic and open computers to engage and enthuse youngsters...

Blogging/posting to WordPress on a Mac?

Got a bit of problem if I decide next year to move to a Mac from my PC, which is slowly dying. There are really good alternatives to most of the software I use apart from Windows Live Writer which is used for blogging. This is an absolutely terrific piece of software,...

Mastering the Mac

Definite geeky post!! I’ve had the need to introduce a fairly old iMac into my office at work so I can keep up-to-date with iOS programming a member of staff is doing to make our elearning resources available on tablets like the iPad; getting ahead of the game...