
A while ago I blogged about my annoyances with the Windows Phone 7 HTC Mozart I’ve been using for nearly two years. They key issue was the update schedule, following the Android model of letting carriers control the updates. When Windows Phone 7.5 was released, it was a terrific update, and Orange sent it our pretty quickly. Like in a lot of software glitches can arise once released and was the case in this situation; the keyboard sometimes disappears when typing, which is very annoying. Anyway, Microsoft realised this and sent out an update very quickly which solved the issue. Well it did for users whose carriers bothered to send it out, which Orange did not. So I’ve been using a phone which the keyboard disappears when typing, great! On a two year contract, an issue like this early on could cause serious issues not only for usability, but for security.

Since this issue the build quality of the phone has been a cause for concern. The camera button which is a great idea for a phone, bust, so I have to go through the app to get to the camera. This in itself is hardly a problem and is pretty common with phones, but recording video requires the button to start, so that’s a function no longer available.

The battery seems to get very hot on this phone, and the design on the back has become warped, again rather disappointing.

So, the time has come to make a choice, stay with Windows and go for a new Windows Phone 8 device like the stunning new Nokia Lumia 920, or go back to Apple with the iPhone 5.

The new Apple iPhone 5

The Nokia Lumia 920 does look stunning, and the metro interface with live tiles has been improved and evolved into a fantastic OS. Wireless charging and a really good camera makes it a real choice.

Nokia Lumia 920


The iPhone 5 looks stunning, and the precision in engineering is stunning. Reports reckon that it’s new A6 processor is not a reference design and is Apple’s first foray into creating it’s own design, and hence making it smaller and more efficient.

The app store on iOS is, even after two years of Windows Phone, way better, and still loads of apps aren’t available with Windows. The speed of the iPhone  with it’s very familiar icon based system is still very superior, as is the integration of the cloud. I can’t see the update situation working any better with Windows. It seems that I’ll be going back to Apple, welcome back to emails concluding with “Sent from my iPhone”!


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